יום ראשון, 28 בפברואר 2010

Evaluation Continues

In my last post, I focused on an Employees evaluation consulting project I am engaged with. 
Well, let me update you where it stands:
We already discussed our approach, using competencies mapping, as a baseline for employees evaluation (because no previous objectives were defined for the employees).  Well, evaluation forms were created, and actually, last week all of the employees were evaluated.
From what I hear, the process went well.
Top performers were identified, as well as those who need support.
 We - me and the managers involved in the process - decided that employees will receive a copy of the managers evaluation summary, together with their goals for next year.  They will also get their grades, not as a number, but rather as a description (Excellent performance, higher than expected performance, perform as expected,etc.).
2010 objectives form was created.  The discussions on 2010 goals and objectives will be conducted next week, after which we can conclude this project, and run feedback form on the process.


תגובה 1:

  1. Hi Amir,
    Interesting post, I wonder how it developed since February, and where it will go to next.
    I went through a similar process at Teva a few years ago.
    It is not a small thing to start goal setting and performance management in an organization.
    It might be helpful to think of it using an organizational change management framework. If you like - I can send you an article I wrote on the process using such a framework in HR Magazine.
    Good luck!
